You can have a harmonious relationship with MONEY,
no matter how much you have.
My name is Megan deBoer. I know it’s possible to transform your relationship to money. Because mine used to look like 2am clenched teeth –anxious we didn’t have enough money to pay an increased car insurance bill that had come that day.
It looked like not spending more than $20 on a pair of pants for myself, because any more felt indulgent.
I held a fierce grip on what we had because I didn't believe I was capable of making more. I have since observed how neatly I wove this particular fear into a noble belief that frugality was, in fact, morally superior—so was not making much money at all.
I graduated with honors from the University of Washington with a B.A. in Comparative History of Ideas - with absolutely zero ideas for how to financially support myself.
On paper I was ‘good with money’. I turned this aptitude into a vocation and for many years kept squeaky clean accounts for over 20 small business owners as an independent bookkeeper.
Yet I witnessed my clients continue to struggle, agonize, and fantasize about money. I wanted to understand why patterns persisted despite helpful information. My inquiry led me to the Financial Recovery Institute where I began my certification. It was in this process I began healing my own long held wound around money and worthiness.
In the decade since, I have built a business that is not just lucrative, it is generative–
For my clients.
The secret to this work is that it weaves together the practical with the emotional. The result is often subtle yet profound. It is common for my clients to radically increase their income, their net worth, and feel more fulfilled in their lives overall.
For myself.
My business supports our family financially and provides me creative, and time freedom—I work with clients 36 weeks a year and take at least 4 weeks completely off of work. This is one way I have designed my own wealthy life.
For the collective.
The values integral to Tended Wealth—Interdependence, Integrity, Compassion, Liberation—must be infused into an evolved understanding and attainment of WEALTH. From closing the racial and gender wealth gap to healing the ecosystems that support all life, the choices we make with our money can be part of the collective solution for the long list of challenges we face.
My hope is that this work inspires a new way forward.
My mission is to evolve our individual and collective understanding of the potent healing role money can have in our lives.
random things about me…
I need to be in the wilderness like I need water, but sometimes I get cranky because I forgot this about myself.
I am Mama to 2 beautiful young women who have taught me about love and filled me with awe and reverence for LIFE.
My husband and I like to ride our bikes around the city (beautiful bikes that he hand built)—going fast down hills to watch the sunset or ride through piles of fall leaves.
I attended over 20 births as a Doula. In many ways that is still the work I do, just in a different form.
My moon is in Virgo-2nd house, my sun in Aries-9th house, and my rising sign is in Leo, for anyone who may appreciate these facts.
I love gardening in the Spring and the Fall, but it’s a wild neglected mess in the Summer.
I grew up in a small Oregon coastal town. Pelting rain is a comfort to my introverted self, especially with tea, my knitting or a book sitting right beside a wood stove.
I love making or fixing things with my hands— knitting, sewing, building, remodeling— it’s a satisfying antidote to the very cerebral work that occupies my weekdays—and very handy for tending to our 1908 urban farmhouse.
While I love eating at delicious restaurants, sharing beautiful food with dear friends in our home or theirs is an unparalleled luxury.
I would love to know what would be on your list –
a list that makes you crush on your own life a little when you read it.
The beauty is that all our lists look so different, and together these lives make a fascinating, glorious, and beautiful world.
–It must be stated–
Tended Wealth is unequivocally Anti-Racist, Pro-LGBTQIA+, and Pro-Mama Earth.
Our relationship to money is one part personal, one part political. Our economic system is clearly not working for all. Yet our liberation comes when we reclaim our agency to shift our own reality and strive to create a more equitable economy collectively.
In recognition of my own privilege, the racial wealth gap, the gender wealth gap, and the devastating wealth disparity in our country, I offer many course participants reduced fee tuition each year. My business contributes 5% of the course proceeds to local and national organizations who provide financial education and/or emotional support. Some past recipients include: The Black Resilience Fund, NAYA Pdx, Portland Family Homeless Solutions, the Loveland Foundation, and direct giving to individuals in need.
We are interconnected and interdependent. Love is Love is Love. Suffering exists when we forget this truth.
May we walk lightly on the earth to fulfill our joy and purpose while supporting others to fulfill theirs.
My Ethical Move Pledge
I put the person before the sale
I respect you and your privacy. I will help you make the best choice for your needs.
I communicate inclusively, truthfully, and clearly.
I will not confuse you or hide information from you. I will help all audiences feel welcome.
I take responsibility for my part in changing the marketplace
I recognize the need to break the cycle of consumerism. I will continuously review my sales and marketing to ensure they benefit the common good.
I count on you to hold me accountable. Please connect with me if you see me not honoring my pledge.