Receiving personalized support with your finances is both transformational and therapeutic.
Because when you are finally ready to look at your money with clear eyes, it can often feel daunting, and lonely.
Those who boldly step into this work are ready for change.
A change in how they relate emotionally to money, how they engage in the practical realm of their finances, and how they realize the more fulfilled lives they wish to lead. Money is a powerful portal for evolution.
For over a decade, I have witnessed tremendous growth, deep healing, and financial success for hundreds of clients. My heart holds a treasure chest of client stories of pain, struggle, and triumph through this process.
My specialty now resides at the intersection of personal and business finance. I am part guide, part facilitator, and part co-creator as you achieve the highest expression of your relationship to wealth.
I offer two coaching packages that cover similar terrain, yet differ in length and breadth—
While I tailor the work to align with your stated goals and guide the structure of each session, the work tends to flow organically and weave together the following layers: History + Healing, Stewardship, Expansive Visioning, and Practical Integration.
History + Healing
Our emotional relationship with money is layered with familial, cultural, and personal experience. This context informs us of what is possible or okay for us to experience with wealth.
A potent part of my process is to let long-buried money stories emerge into the light and be witnessed, allowing these emotions to finally release. The new expands within the space that once held hidden shame, grief, confusion, fear, or pain.
In this part of our work, we will articulate narratives and belief systems that are ready to be rewritten. While it takes time to integrate the new, this process often initiates the conscious release of a belief as well as the ensuing reclamation of truth.
By saying yes to this work, you are ready to tend to your financial resources differently.
My role is to help orient you along your path and clarify your next steps toward a refined system for spending, sharing, saving, and investing money.
Stewardship of financial resources includes examining the health of your current inflow through earning and receiving. Together we will explore possibilities for widening this financial flow to support and sustain you.
Expansive Visioning
My eyes hold a wide aperture of potential and possibility. My ears hear the truth of the vision you hold for yourself with wealth.
This emergent vision will be translated into number form as a tangible pathway toward your goals. This work expands your capacity to receive, trust, and let in what you desire.
As we explore an expanded vision of possibility, we will listen to and honor the new or dormant fears and beliefs that emerge. Sometimes, these fears materialize as active resistance to this work itself—which we move through as part of the process.
Practical Integration
Real healing occurs when we take new conscious action in the present moment. I will draw on the many tools, exercises, spreadsheets, and resources I have at my fingertips to support you in taking bold new action.
Throughout our session work, you will integrate new actions and practices into your daily life. These tangible practices will deepen your self-trust, solidify a new way of being, and allow you to welcome and integrate more wealth into your life.
We will celebrate and honor your journey here and how you’re moving forward as you witness yourself authoring a new reality that aligns with your vision and values of a wealthy life.
TRANSITIONAL Series - 3 Sessions
As you cross a poignant financial threshold, there are often parallel shifts within your perception of self, your internalized belief systems, your reprioritized goals, and a realignment with your held values.
This TRANSITIONAL series meets you at thresholds that look like…
Preparing to intentionally increase the rates in your business while being mindful of old patterns resurfacing (patterns of under-earning, over-giving, people-pleasing…)
Adjusting to, or preparing for, a dramatic increase in income and wanting to make wise choices
Navigating, or preparing for, a transition from employment to self-employment and confronting money from an entirely new perspective
Adjusting to, or preparing for, an inheritance (that may hold many layers beyond just the financial)
Exploring a financial venture with a need for clear-eyed thinking and thoughtful reflection before making a commitment
Each of the above marks a significant moment of transition. These sessions provide emotional support and practical guidance to ensure your smooth crossing—heart centered, feet on the ground, eyes exploring the full range of possibility.
I accompany you by providing guidance in a variety of forms: spreadsheets, tools, worksheets as well as holding compassionate space for your emotions to surface and release throughout our time together.
I would be honored to support you in this dynamic time. If you feel called to explore further, please fill out the form below and we will take our next steps from there.
Time + Financial Investment
3 x 1hour Sessions, within 3 months, at a pace that is right for you
$1,200 paid in full or in 3 x $400 monthly installments
By filling out THIS form you are taking the first step to enroll in this work. Once I review this form and confirm that my service is a good fit for your needs, we will take the next logistical steps before we officially begin. If you have questions that are not answered, please email me and I will respond as soon as I can.
FOUNDATIONAL Sessions - 12
As a heart-centered business owner, you know that making money is necessary, yet the complexities around it often feel acute.
You want to earn more money, yet you want to be sure you do so with integrity.
You want more spaciousness with your time, yet because you are anxious about cash flow you keep scheduling clients back-to-back.
You want more peace when you manage your money, yet each time you sit down, shame gets very loud.
You are so grateful for the privilege of doing your work on your terms, yet you are beginning to feel resentful that you don’t have as much in savings as you should even though you make a lot of money.
Do these resonate with you?
In this six-month intimate and supportive FOUNDATIONAL container, an unfolding occurs and you begin to see what is possible through clear eyes:
How much you must earn to sustain your business, which includes saving for taxes, retirement, investing in your business and supporting your life.
How you might gently or boldly restructure your pricing, and your offerings, to ensure they are more aligned with your capacity and financial goals.
How you can organize your money so when you engage with it you feel clear, confident, and empowered to make wise decisions.
What the full, untapped earning potential is for your business and explore any beliefs that may be limiting you from realizing it.
How you can attain your expansive financial goals and desires while preserving what is most sacred to you.
How you are actively cultivating a sense of self-trust by consciously taking new actions and making new decisions that bring you a deep sense of peace around money.
With robust spreadsheets, tools, worksheets, and guided inquiry I will lead you through the phases of this work designed to put you on the path towards your goals. Along the way we will meet the excitement, fear, overwhelm, resistance, guilt, shame, elation, and the entire array of emotions that may surface as you enter into a deeper relationship with your money.
If you feel ready to take the next step to explore this work, fill out your form below.
Time + Financial Investment
We will meet twice a month for 6 months:
1 x 1.5hour Session
11 x 1hour Sessions
$4,800 paid in 6 monthly installments of $800 or 8 monthly installments of $600
After I’ve thoughtfully reviewed your application, and I’m confident that this work is suited for you, I’ll send you an email with a link to schedule a complimentary 30min. call to ensure we are a fit. If I don’t feel this work is a good fit for your needs, I will share alternative resources to make sure you find the support you need.
• You are willing to take bold action with guidance, even if it scares you!
• You are ready for comprehensive support.
• You take action when you know what action to take and ask for support if/when you get stuck.
• You are able and willing to make this financial investment at this time.
• You need foundational, comprehensive support to see your financial situation clearly.
• You are looking for investment advice or tax strategy. Please see “Are you a Financial Planner etc.” FAQ below.
• You’re hoping these 3 sessions will immediately fix a long-held pattern with money. (I can’t say it won’t happen, but this expectation would place an unfair burden on both of us.)
• Please see the Foundational option if the above bullet points sound like you.
• You need support setting up QuickBooks or help with your taxes. These needs are best met with a bookkeeper or accountant.
• You want a quick path to making more money. While I hope you do make more money quickly, the path I offer is slow and process-oriented and is unlikely to be what you’re looking for.
• You aren’t interested in emotional exploration. Nothing is wrong with this, but you may be better served with someone who can help you with your numbers alone.
• Tailored, between-session data collection for the focus area of our work, translated into clarifying spreadsheet form.
• Tailored, pre-session introspective journaling + visioning worksheets to illuminate hidden layers that may arise around the topic of our work.
• Exploration and navigation through resistance, blocks, and emotional challenges that arise throughout this activating work.
I am none of these official titles. Each is a necessary asset for a well rounded financial team.
Here Is a brief overview of various financial professionals. You can read a more extensive blog post HERE about who you may need or want to hire.
If you need help or are ready to begin planning for retirement, you want to work with a Certified Financial Planner, a CFP or a Retirement Financial Advisor who specializes in retirement. CFPs often specialize, so inquire about your needs to ensure you have a good fit for the service you are looking for.
If you need investment advice, or oversight, you will want to hire a Fee Only Financial Advisor. Make sure that whoever you hire to advise your investment decisions is a Fiduciary and has your best interests as their focus (not their commission).
If you want someone to manage your investments on your behalf, you will want to hire an Investment Firm* or an Independent Investment Advisor* who is paid 1-2% commission on all of your “assets under management”(AUM). Usually a firm will offer financial planning and tax advising as a part of their fee.
If you need help filing your taxes, you can hire a Tax Preparer* (not necessarily a CPA) or a Certified Public Accountant* (CPA).
If you need help getting organized with your business income and expenses, you will want to find a Certified Bookkeeper.
If you have a complex tax situation or want strategic tax advice, you may need to hire a Tax Advisor*.
While I cannot (and don’t) advise on tax strategy, retirement, or investments, I do help you prepare for this work so you walk into an appointment with clarity about your financial sitution and confidence, rather than cowering to a professionals perceived authority.
*The best option is to do a search for this term/professional in your local area. Ask other trusted professionals/people for a referral. Interview people before you hire them to ensure you feel supported within the relationship
I do not offer a sliding scale option for my 1:1 work.
I do, however, offer 2 reduced-fee spots in my THRIVE course each month. THRIVE is a comprehensive personal finance course to help you achieve financial wellbeing and emotional peace. You can learn more HERE.
I also offer 2 reduced-feespots in my EXPAND course each LIVE round. EXPAND is for service-based business owners ready to expand their income, inner capacity, and impact through their work. You can learn more HERE.
Client Testimonials
“Working with Megan has been nothing short of life-changing.
Every time we speak, I’m blown away not only by how quickly she’s able to identify stuck spots but also how clearly she’s able to suggest the precise and doable action steps that have led to real change in my business: increased revenue, more trust and ease emotionally around money, and a vision moving forward that helps me confidently walk towards not only financial freedom in retirement years but spaciousness during all of my working years.
If you are self-employed and ready to heal old money wounds and intergenerational downloads to increase your income and create a sustainable, long-term business that won’t lead to burnout, I cannot recommend her highly enough.
She’s like a wise, intuitive, gentle fairy godmother for small business owners!”
Sheryl Lisa Finn, counselor and business owner, Conscious Transitions, LLC
“My work with Megan has been some of the most valuable time I’ve ever spent in terms of the generative impact it has had on shifting my relationship to money, understanding my value on deeper levels, as well as deepening my relationship with my power as a guide and mentor for people in their lives.
I can also say–as a psychotherapist in private practice for over a decade–that her title of ‘financial wellness counselor’ is apt in that she feels to me, at times, more like a seasoned therapist with her depth of understanding of the shadow of money, the murky stories handed down from our family systems around money, the emotional ties to money that live in each of us, and her vast capacity to hold her clients well in this journey.
Her care, gentle and timely fierceness, levity, genuine encouragement, and skill across multiple aspects of finance have me both deeply grateful for our time together and able to enthusiastically recommend her to anyone seeking a soulful and practical connection to finances. Our work together continues to be life-changing.”
Jeffrey Howard, MA, LPC, Soul Guide, Mentor, Coach
“I came to Megan in hopes of acquiring some sort of magical formula that I believed to exist, one that would release me from a lifetime of misunderstanding and mismanaging my worth and wealth. What I walked away with was a deep, intimate understanding of how my relationship with money was the key to unlocking a way of thinking that had hindered me from seeing the agency I always had to define my own power and create my own set of rules.
All of this has helped me to move into a space of thriving personally and professionally, and in ways that span far beyond finances. Megan is intuitive, thoughtful, curious, and deeply supportive.
My work with her is and continues to be not that of a coach, but a guide. The investment in her support is the greatest financial and emotional one I have ever made in my life and I will forever be grateful for how she has enabled me to grow into the entrepreneur, the financially independent woman, and the carefully conscientious human being I always wished for.”
Gretchen Jones, Strategic Business Advisor
About Megan
Over the past decade, as a Financial Recovery Counselor, I have sat in thousands of intimate conversations with hundreds of clients as they untangle their complex relationship with money and learn the practical skill of taking care of it differently.
I am passionate about creating a space for heart-centered people to develop confidence managing their money and building wealth–spaces that are both nurturing and challenging. These spaces hold reverence for the complex and deep layers we encounter when journeying through this work. These spaces that are trauma-informed, shame free, and aware of how our current financial circumstance is also a result of systemic economic realities.
I want more money flowing through loving hands–and this work is the sweet way I get to contribute to that dream.