– E X P A N D –
A 6-month LIVE course to expand the income, inner capacity, and impact of your business.
From unpredictable income cycles and maintaining pace in the marketplace to setting aside savings for taxes, let alone retirement— each of these factors and more make the daily reality of running a business complex.
Add in any inner conflict about the desire to earn more in an inequitable economy or any fear about the sacrifices required for growth and you might find yourself stuck hitting the same plateau year after year.
Sustaining yourself financially through Self-Employment is a success unto itself
Can you dare to think about expanding your income in times like these?
I say yes. To grow, evolve, and ultimately expand is absolutely possible. And not only possible, but essential. Your work is necessary. The expression of your gift is essential. Sharing your joy is vital.
Your financial resilience and expansion ensure that you’ll thrive for decades to come. The more you thrive financially, the deeper and broader the impact your work has on the collective.
Abundance in your business can be both virtuous and generative.
I already know you pour your heart into your business—that the people you serve and the work you do prompt your feet to hit the floor each morning. I’m also all too familiar with the visceral fatigue of not knowing when you’ll have enough money, time, or energy to live your own life.
The success of your business can be the beginning of a cycle of reciprocity that pours into your community and in turn reinvigorates you. The gap that exists between the work you do and the financially expansive life you yearn for is exactly the gap I help my clients bridge.
It’s time for you and your business to EXPAND.
I want you to earn an income that supports your basic needs and your wildest dreams. One that not only funds a week-long yoga retreat but also provides wisely for a secure future.
I promise that you can serve without sacrificing your financial well-being or compromising your integrity. And while this course isn’t necessary for you to find a way into that, it’s been designed from start to finish to nourish your journey.
A past participant says -
“I joined EXPAND to create a more cohesive, sustainable, and grounded relationship with money, finances, and my income. What I left with was an entirely different approach to what expansion actually feels like, the courage to let go of what wasn’t working in order to make space for and trust in something new, and new approaches to how I manage my financial life.
Filled with practical tools/spreadsheets/worksheets, deeply reflective exploration, supportive structure, and a huge amount of meaningful guidance, EXPAND was a landing place that allowed me to make deeply important decisions in a transitional season of my life.
Megan is an incredibly insightful, wise, compassionate and nurturing guide who truly weaves in all aspects of what financial expansion can look like. She holds space in a way that feels so comfortable and inspiring - in a way that allowed all of us to dream and vision in ways I don’t think we could have alone, myself included.
I know I will return to the work of EXPAND as I continue building and growing throughout the years. I’m so grateful for the gifts Megan has and for her willingness to share them with such an open heart.”
— Lisa Olivera, author and therapist
I developed EXPAND as a pathway to financial health in self-employment.
And I’ve been walking clients along this path for over a decade.
There are very few safeguards to protect entrepreneurs from precarious financial futures. It’s all too easy to idealize this road and hide from this reality—I have intimate experience with this myself.
Because there’s always one more email to respond to, one more client to secure, you can go years without making space for the honest assessment of how things are really going.
The shadow side of working for oneself is often ignored in our culture.
From high burnout rates to financial uncertainty to the limiting beliefs we carry around money and the emotional labor involved in service-based roles—these themes often get swept under the rug.
In EXPAND, I’ve created a space in which we can talk more honestly about these themes. Where it’s okay to be exactly where you are on your entrepreneurial journey. And also a place where you can learn to move towards your goals in new ways.
Working with your inner capacity to receive is a crucial process in the success of your business.
Business owners are most often offered strategy and mindset work—but what I know deep in my bones is that true wealth requires a different kind of support and integration.
Often the body itself, through its brilliant nervous system, thwarts our efforts to create the change in income we desire. You may unconsciously reject the new and unfamiliar, even when that newness is the experience of abundance and flourishing in business.
We’ll work together to repattern your responses, develop your capacity to receive wealth, and integrate your inner desires with your body’s ability to accept them gracefully.
A past participant says -
“I began the EXPAND course after years of feeling overwhelmed, and unsure around managing my wealth, and disconnected from my sense of financial freedom and agency.
Through our work together Megan guided me into a new relationship with wealth and entrepreneurship that finally made sense- a relationship in which my body, values, and vision felt seen, held, and nourished.
The E XP A N D content honestly blew my mind. Being in a space that was so artfully facilitated felt pretty magical. The conversations we got to have as a group felt spontaneous yet so vulnerable and connected.
I realize now that I can do the work I love and flourish financially and emotionally instead of repeating the patterns of burnout and exhaustion that had been my models.
Megan's expert, warm, and deeply thoughtful guidance continues to transform my life, as I expand and thrive in my work, and step into my financially independent future.
– Treska, founder of Sister Sister – Breathwork & Dream Tending Practitioner
The financial work in EXPAND is weaving work.
The warp is strategic external action.
This is the practical financial foundation that holds the ground required to support expansive growth.
The weft is the art of inner intelligence.
This is the process of consciously navigating and responding to our emotional and physiological reactions—tending the inner self who seeks safety, belonging, and self-expression.
By combining these aspects harmoniously, we weave the financial life we truly desire.
When the internal and external are in disharmony, the tapestry is tangled with financial stagnation and frustration.
When we adopt tactics and strategies that are too much, too fast, or too soon for us, we risk our efforts backfiring because we haven’t yet integrated the change at a deeper level.
And so we must begin the precious work of untangling and braiding back together.
In EXPAND we’ll weave together the practical:
Cash flow requirements (both business & personal)
Establishing regular paydays
Business-specific savings accounts (including retirement)
Assessment of current capacity & future potential
Evaluation of current pricing and payment structures
Creation of annual earning & expense plans
And many more tactical, strategic actions...
and the emotional:
Your relationship to financial stability
Your feelings about receiving & expanding your earning capacity
How you value your offerings as well as yourself
How you see yourself having a deep and broad impact through your work
Your relationship to power & taking action
Your emotional experience with establishing boundaries
Your relationship to being seen
Each of these areas influence your capacity to receive—and altogether create a vibrant earning ecosystem.
A past participant says -
“When I signed up for EXPAND, I didn't know what changes to make or how to move forward in my business, just that what I was doing wasn't working anymore.
After owning my own business for nine years, I had made myself sick from the stress of being spread too thin with a chronic lack of boundaries and consistently taking on more than I could handle. I was constantly working but didn't feel like I was getting anywhere.
Through Megan's coaching, informative and introspective worksheets, and my classmates' supportive feedback, I gained clarity on how I want my work to feel and look. This helped me to let go of some client relationships that were no longer serving me and attract clients that were a better fit. Megan helped me identify energetic blocks in myself regarding my worth and rates which I hadn't raised in nine years, and coached us on how to roll out new pricing to my existing clients respectfully.
Having a supportive group of like-minded entrepreneurs to bounce ideas off of, learn from, and be inspired by was tremendously helpful for me. I wouldn't have made these significant changes in my business without the inspiration and support I received from Megan and my EXPAND classmates.
In the quarter following the class, my income has doubled, and how I feel about my work and my impact has improved immensely. I'm grateful to Megan for doing this work and that her course came into my life at such a pivotal moment.”
– Amy Sly, Design & Art Direction for Impactful Print & Digital Experiences
Course Curriculum
What does the EXPAND course include?
Over 40 recorded lessons + tutorials ranging from 4-40 minutes that can be watched
and rewatched as needed.
19 LIVE Zoom Sessions at 75 minutes, including breakout groups, Q&As, live
coaching, and community support (all recorded and emailed within 24 hours for later
Transcripts for each module to use as ongoing resources.
Interactive worksheets + spreadsheets to support integration of lessons.
Visualizations, meditations, + guided inquiry that invite you to go inward.
Access to the EXPAND Private Community (non-Facebook) for conversation and
community support.
4 bonus modules on power, boundaries, action, and visibility.
How can you expect to grow from EXPAND?
By the end of the course, you will be charging the right amount for your services—an
appropriate, resent- and overwhelm-free amount that ensures both the sustainability
and the longevity of your business.
You will have crafted an actionable path toward a profitable business model that’s
aligned with your own style and maintains the value and integrity your clients deserve.
Your earning and expense plan will include a healthy increase (or initiation) to your
business savings goal, including retirement planning.
You will see ways to stabilize inflow and outflow in your current business and be
poised to weather the unknown with more confidence.
You will have greater awareness of your emotional sticking places in business and begin
integrating more constructive responses.
I have done my best to design this course in support of your success, but please remember that it is your personal engagement with the material and the actions you take that will determine your results.
I believe one of the most powerful aspects of doing this work with others is that we are able to co-regulate as we work through the uncomfortable-and inevitable-phases of growth.
Week 1 - Community Introduction + Introduction to The 8 elements of the EARNING ECOSYSTEM
Week 2 - Your Relationship to Financial Stability
Week 3 - Identify Areas to Increase Financially Stability in Your Business.
We will revisit Financial Stability 3 additional times throughout the course. You will also integrate the practical over several months, not all at once!
Week 4 - Begin Practical Implementation of New Financial Practices + Coaching Support
Ex: Cash Flow, Cycle of Paying Yourself, Business Specific Savings Accounts
Week 5 - No class - INTEGRATION Week + BONUS Content: Your Relationship to POWER
Week 6 - Your Relationship to Receiving
Week 7 - The Actual + Practical Side of Receiving, Invoicing, Ease of Client Payments, Late Payments
Week 8 - FINANCIAL STABILITY – Implementation + Extra Coaching, Annual Income + Expense Plans for Business + Personal
Week 9 - No class - INTEGRATION Week + BONUS Content: Your Relationship to Boundaries + Conflict
Week 10 - Begin Exploration of Pricing + Capacity + Your Limiting Beliefs with Receiving
Week 11 - Your Relationship to Value – of Your Work + of Your Self
Week 12 - 1st Group Coaching Session on Your Rates, Offers + Pricing Structure
Week 13 - 2nd Group Coaching Session on Your Rates, Offers + Pricing Structure
Week 14 - No class - INTEGRATION Week + Bonus Content: Your Relationship to Action
Week 15 - FINANCIAL STABILITY – Implementation + Extra Coaching, How to Integrate + Communicate Rate Increase with Clients
Week 16 - Your Relationship to Impact and the Vision of Your Work
Week 17 - Explore the Broad Impact of a Generative Business Model, Revisit + Revise Annual Plan with Expansive View
Week 18 - No class - INTEGRATION Week + Bonus Content: Your Relationship to Visibility
Week 19 - Group Coaching on Impact + Visibility
Week 20 - Final FINANCIAL STABILITY + Extra Coaching, Clarity on Next Financial Steps for Your Business
Community Celebration + Closure + Next Steps
A past participant says -
“ I want you to know how much I've taken your advice to heart.
I hired an admin assistant.
I changed my billing approach to fixed and raised my rates by 25%. I am capturing more of the unbillable time in these fixed fees.
I love being able to bill a set amount at the end of the project with no feelings of embarrassment or any effort to slim down my hours so as not to shock my clients. They have already agreed to the fee and I feel more entitled and excited to do invoicing.
I raised the rate of my contract employee as well, by a pretty significant margin, which felt scary but great!
Saying a polite 'No' much more frequently this year, and handing out referrals left and right.
Scheduling about 5 or 6 weeks of time off this year not including thanksgiving or winter holidays.
I feel so much more empowered about my finances right now. I'm happy to interact with my financial world in almost any format and feel that I am on my way to mastery in this area. Once the learning curve has leveled off a bit, I will be equally happy to keep everything humming along in the background, and spend more time art-making, picnicking, gardening, lollygagging, etc. All the things I loved to do when I was a wee lassie. But the big difference is I'll be having this fun without feeling as if I'm being irresponsible to my future.
Thank you Megan!
I can't tell you how much I appreciate your guidance in this journey”
— Melissa, E X P A N D participant
Investment + Pricing
Let’s just speak about the elephant in the room
Does it make sense to spend money on this course if money doesn’t feel abundant? It’s a critical question to ask, and I’ll be really direct in saying - it may not.
However, it might also be an investment that generates a powerful financial and emotional return . A few small shifts in reduced spending, increased savings, and ending the debt cycle can not only repay the investment very quickly but also continue to compound over time.

How do you know if this is a wise investment? Ask yourself…
What must you gain from this course to make it worthy of this investment? Write this down. [Share it with me] so I can help you assess. I have turned many people away from this course in the past if it was clear that it’s not the right course or the right timing for them. I can hear the truth of your readiness - and I will always be honest with you.
Would making the investment in this course cause you real financial strain? If this course would hinder your ability to pay your bills, this is not the time for this investment. Focus first on your immediate needs. Trust that there is time for this work later on when you are financially ready.
My zero-risk guarantee-
I cannot guarantee the results that you’ll experience. As a business owner, it’s imperative that you assess the risks and rewards associated with your investments to decide what the wisest decision is for you.
That said, if you begin this course, participate in the material, and decide within 7 days after the first LIVE class that it is clearly not for you, simply let me know and I will refund your entire investment.
I only ask that you are thoughtful about your decision to join. Please take the time to read more about who this course is for and to explore the FAQs before enrolling so you can move forward in either direction with confidence.
This course will be a great fit if…
You are an established (1+ year) service-based business owner, solopreneur, independent contractor, coach, or consultant. (If you are considering starting a business, I highly recommend Sister Feminist Business School.)
You are a self-directed learner who also loves to be led and participate in a group.
You have reached an earning plateau in your business and are ready to transcend it.
You are seeking community with other heart-centered business owners.
You want your business to be profitable, but feel conflicted about how to pursue this with integrity to your values.
This course will not be a great fit if…
You have a restaurant - or retail-based business. This simply isn’t my area of expertise.
You have too much life going on to give the course the attention it will require. Join this list to be the first to know about future course dates.
You want formulas, blueprints, or one-size solutions. I have no judgment about plug-and-play approaches - they just aren’t my style.
You want to network and develop relationships with high-powered, 7-figure-track entrepreneurs. (If this sounds like you, check out Hello Seven to see if it’s a fit.)
A past participant says -
“I came to Megan teetering on crisis.
I felt victimized by my own business and couldn't see how to take back my power from difficult clients or revise my business model into something emotionally and financially sustainable. Megan was able to use her incredible balance of emotional and financial intelligence to help me learn how to appropriately price my services and qualify prospective clients.
I'm once again seeing my business as a vehicle for self-actualization instead of something that's preventing it...”
—Claire W. Consultant
Winter/Spring 2025 Sessions
Tuesdays / 9:00-10:15am PST
February 25th
March 4th, 11th, 18th
April 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd
May 6th, 13th, 20th
June 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th
July 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd
Integration Weeks (no LIVE calls) 3/25, 4/29, 5/27
We will meet 19 times over 6 months
Still need more info? Explore FAQs.
You have access to all the course materials for life.
You will have access to the community forum for 11 months after the start of the course.
After that time you will have the option to become an EXPAND community member. Details will be provided well before the time is up.
As a business owner, I know how you are pulled in a million directions and time is a precious resource. I have intentionally designed this course to FLEX to your availability.
LIVE CALLS: 75min. / week - the last 15 min. of each class are for extended conversation / Q & A - so if you have to jump off after 1hr, that is fine
RECORDED CONTENT: 1hr/week (+/-) can be completed on your own self-paced schedule
BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT + INTEGRATION: 1hr (+/-) / week - It is hard to know how much time this will be for you, but I hope that in signing up for this course you carve out extra time for extra projects that may come up as we go along
I am not a fan of large, magical promises. I believe in deep, lasting, integrated change… And… This course will be as transformative and powerful as you allow it to be. You may very well make thousands more each month! I have many clients who have...
I am positive this process will accelerate your pace to that end, but a timeframe or an amount isn't something I can promise. I ask the you take responsibility for your own outcome. My commitment is to generously share my expertise and all the tools I have in my toolkit to support and guide you on this leg of your journey.
This is an excellent question, because the course is best suited for solopreneurs or self-employed individuals. Your business may be a more advanced/seasoned than the businesses this course is designed to support.
That said, I would love to hear your desires and concerns and assist you in making an informed decision (and pointing you towards a better avenue of support).
While this course will prepare you—mentally, emotionally—for tackling each of these projects, the course doesn't focus specifically on any of these broad topics. You will, however, get resources and links about what next steps you can take!
I want this course to be accessible to those who are eager to participate yet have limited funds to invest. I offer 2 spots each session and prioritize the awards to BI&POC women, single mothers, and those financially impacted by COVID-19. Please see the link below to apply.
It is important that we all start together, therefore you will get access to the course material on the day of the first LIVE call. You will also receive journal prompts and emails about what to prepare after you enroll.
Not at all! While this work tends to attract female-identifying individuals, many non-binary and male-identifying folks have also gone through this course. If you are still concerned, please reach out (below) and we can discuss your concerns together.
A past participant says -
“Best Investment in myself of the YEAR! Wheeww!! This course goes deep into navigating the inner work of self-employment and exploring our relationship with MONEY. It’s a game changer folks.”
– K. L.

Apply for a Scholarship Opportunity in the Form Below.
These are awarded based on need and limited to 2 recipients each LIVE round.
Applications are open and collected up to 1 week before the next LIVE round (add your name to the waitlist below to be reminded of all deadlines)
About Megan
Over the past decade, as a Wealth Doula, I have sat in thousands of intimate conversations with hundreds of clients as they untangle their complex relationship with money and learn the practical skill of taking care of it differently.
I am passionate about creating a space for heart-centered business owners to develop confidence managing their money and building wealth—spaces that are both nurturing and challenging. These spaces hold reverence for the complex and deep layers we encounter when journeying through this work. These spaces that are trauma-informed, shame free, and aware of how our current financial circumstance is also a result of systemic economic realities.
I want more money flowing through loving hands —and this work is the sweet way I get to contribute to that dream.