Wealth Doula, Explained
Finding a name - a title - that tells others what it is I do for work has been a challenge for many years.
I am not a financial planner, or advisor. I am also not a therapist. I am a Financial Recovery Counselor by training, but that hasn’t fit for a very long time. I have called myself a mentor. Coach is what I used till recently, but it has always felt like an awkward hand-me-down that is/was trendy, but not my style.
Twice in the past year I was invited by a marketing wizard and a copy-writer to claim the title Wealth Doula, but I wasn’t ready - until I was, just before the turn of the year.
While the history of Doula holds complexity, it is a very sacred word to me.
When I became a Childbirth Doula 21 years ago, few people knew what it was.
Attending the birth of a child, and the birth of their mother, is the most sacred work I have known.
I remember vividly one husband - minutes after the birth of their newborn baby - telling me that this work was my calling - that supporting someone in labor was my gift.
What he had witnessed was me actively loving his wife through her doubt, through her overwhelm, through her fear, and pain.
His conviction felt like a plea - a plea to not forget that this is a gift we all want for those we love - the gift of being companioned through deep transformation.
After my first year of doing work with people and their money, I wrote in my journal “How amazing that I am like a midwife of a different sort, my bag holds different tools, but the work is the same”
It feels right for me to finally claim with my whole heart this work that I have been doing all along - that of a Wealth Doula.
When I introduced myself with this title a few weeks ago on Instagram, the response was immediate and resonant, just as it was a few weeks before when I was introduced at a party as a ‘healer in the realm of money’ and asked ‘what do you call what you do?’ I simply said ‘Wealth Doula’ - and the reaction was the clear and immediate confirmation I had been needing.
It is amazing how we cling to labels we think others will understand, but when they aren’t the truth of what we do we inadvertently limit ourselves.
In claiming this title of Wealth Doula, I have crossed a threshold professionally. I am no longer trying to define myself to fit into someone else’s definition, I am claiming my own truth with as much authenticity as I know.
I feel the aperture of my work widening, the possibilities expanding, the vision of the real work I am here to do unfolding. The more I say yes, the more I embody the fullest version of myself and the purpose-driven work I do.
The work I am claiming as a Wealth Doula is transformative healing work - internally, externally, intergenerationally, and energetically.
This work recognizes material wealth as one form of wealth. This work is about wholeness, not fragmentation. It is about aligning with your truth, your own unique path - and deeply enjoying all the wealth that results from it.
It is an exhilarating feeling as I step with both feet into this new year, with this new embodied title for what I do.
I have been quietly, invisibly, excruciatingly evolving over the past few years - and now my wings are drying off in the warm sun.