Have you seen it yet? Show HER the Money!

Recently, I had a client share with me that they hadn't been referring to me as their "Wealth Doula" to friends. They realized that associating themselves with with wealth, even in this removed context of my title, felt uncomfortable.

Whether conscious or unconscious, each of us has our own layered relationship with the term WEALTH.

You may consciously reject the idea of wealth, yet unconsciously want to be wealthy. You may consciously want to be wealthy, yet unconsciously reject it.

Today I want to talk about Financial Wealth, even though I operate from an expanded definition of what wealth actually is.

Is Financial WEALTH something that you even want? honor the answer that comes

What is it that you really want when you set out to create WEALTH?

Is it the freedom of choice granted through wealth? what would you choose, specifically?

Is it the power that wealth provides? what would you do with this power?

Is it the status that wealth affords? what would this status mean for you?

Is it the peace and tranquility you imagine having if you didn't have to worry about money? what do you tend to worry about with money?

Is it the ability to be generous with those you love? what would your generosity actually look like?

Is it that wealth could help you secure a seat at the table and a voice that's heard for the critical issues of our time? which tables would you want to speak at?

Which of the above pulls you in, fuels a desire that you were unconscious of?

Which of the above makes you cringe, or turn away, even from the idea of wealth?

I've been doing shadow work around my own relationship with wealth for many years. It's layered. It's complex. It's ancestral, generational and very personal. It's necessary for the work that I currently do, and especially important for some exciting new work on the horizon (which I can hardly wait to share with you!!)

On a rainy walk to my car, after seeing Show HER the Money, I saw a flash of myself a few years from now being an Angel Investor and investing substantially in specific Venture Capital Funds* whose sole mission is supporting female founders**. This vision both inspired, and surprised me, because it isn't an identity I've pined for!

One reason that we may have a discomfort consciously claiming a desire to have WEALTH is because we have so few (public) role models whose values align with our own, or who look 'like us'.

Listening to the panel and the questions afterwards, I was reminded once again of the power of diverse representation: in business, in board rooms, and in political office.

Little by little—and together—we're shifting the consciousness around what it means to hold the POWER of WEALTH.

I want you to feel more comfortable wielding this power, and tending to your WEALTH—regardless of how "much of it" you have, and however you personally define it.

*I believe firmly that women need to talk more about investing, and to know of this alternative class of investing (venture capital funds) as a way to further diversify your portfolio. It's absolutely not right for everyone, but everyone should at least know that it exists and is more accessible than you may assume!

**Only 2.3% of venture capital is awarded to female founders. And female founders receive only a quarter of the funding they seek. Venture Capital Firms are also male dominated to the tune of 89% (men who hold implicit and explicit bias). We have a long way to go to have gender equity and representation for entrepreneurs. I cannot recommend this inspiring movie enough!


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    Billionaire Wealth v. True Wealth


    Be Prudently Prepared